San Antonio Real Estate

Wanting to purchase a property in San Antonio, TX?
Start your search with our real estate guide and home search. We provide other data that could help you learn all about San Antonio.
Current Listings in San Antonio
Best Schools in San Antonio
There are 100 schools in San Antonio.
Most people in San Antonio commute by car. Learn how neighbors in this area get to work so you can consider how you might commute if you lived here, too.
Crime Data in San Antonio
Weigand Real Estate uses crime reports to provide valuable information on the safety of homes in Texas. Use the map below to learn more about criminal activity in and around San Antonio.
Buy a home in San Antonio
Imagine buying your dream home. Let our experienced staff help you make it happen.
Alexis Weigand Real Estate team of local experts is ready to guide you through the home-buying process. We are committed to fast, professional and courteous service to help you understand and feel at ease throughout the home buying process. Our trained and licensed agents specialize in the San Antonio area real estate market and are prepared to find the right home and get the best price.
Sell your home in San Antonio
Selling your home can be easy. Let our experienced staff help you make it happen.
Alexis Weigand Real Estate is a team of local real estate experts ready to reveal the secrets of how we can help you sell your home. From setting the price to creating marketing campaigns for traditional media and Web, we’ve got a proven plan that will match your home with the right buyers for the right price. We are committed to fast, professional and courteous personal service to help you understand and feel at ease throughout the home selling process. Our trained and certified agents specialize in the San Antonio real estate market and are prepared to sell your home to the right buyer for the best price.
Finance your dream home in San Antonio
Imagine buying your dream home. Connect with a lender to help you make it happen.
Our team of local financing experts is ready to guide you through the home buying process. We are committed to fast, professional, courteous and personal service to help you understand and feel at ease throughout the home buying process. Our trained and certified loan originators specialize in financing homes in the San Antonio area real estate market. We are prepared to find the right loan program with competitive rates and low down payments for you.
Thinking About Selling Your Home?
Find out how much your home is worth.
Resources: Trulia – Free listing allows buyers and sellers to quickly locate or advertise products and services to and from other businesses.